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The products on this page doesnt have a big description if you are more interested in anything feel free to email me with any questions at all. Plus we have many more items so if you are looking for something and dont see it just email us what you are looking for because we probably have it. Thanks, Lance Tackett President of Dragon's and Demon's

Item # 29560 Dolphins and Rainbow Collector Plate, Classic Wildlife Collection. 7 1/4" diameter. Price 19.95

Item # 21929 See, Hear, and Speak no evil Buddhas. Alabastrite. Each is 3 3/4" tall. Price 16.95

Item # 31823 Six different incense holders. dragon, alien,sun,happy face,Budda,and tai chi. Each is 2 3/4" diameter and 2 1/2" tall. Price 16.95

Item # 30296 Merlin is performing a spell, 6 1/2" by 5 1/2" and 9 1/2" tall. Price 14.95

Item # 31527 Legend of the Stone Sculpture. 7" by 4" and 9 3/4" tall. Price 16.95
Item # 31314 Father and Son Fishing Together. 5" by 4" and 6" tall 16.95

Item # 31100 Sun Sculpture nightlite. 9" by 4 1/2" and 7" tall. Price 19.95

Item # 27245 Decorative Chess Set. Alabastrite pieces. 7 3/4" by 6 1/2" and 1 5/8" tall. Price 29.95
Item # 28513 Blue lily glass vase with silver plated stand. 12 3/4" tall. Price 19.95 Item # 29084 Musical Noah's Ark merry go round. 5 7/8" diameter and 10" tall. Price 29.95
Item # 25518 Elephant takes a tumble. 3" by 3 3/4" and 3" tall. Price 5.95

Dragon's and Demon's